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Children’s Bedtime Meditations 1.7
Diviniti Publishing Ltd
This superb high quality children's meditationapp by Diviniti Publishing features a number of kids bedtimemeditations from best selling audio authors Glenn Harrold,Christiane Kerr, Heather Bestel and Jan Yoxall. The app includes 3children's bedtime meditations which are completely free, plus manymore children's bedtime meditations available as in-app purchases.The app has meditations for children of all ages, and covers arange of themes to help your kids to sleep soundly at night, tofeel more confident at school and with their friends, to feelhappier and more positive and much more. The variety of styles andthemes in this app make it the must have children's meditation appfor all situations.The recordings included within this app are all published byDiviniti Publishing and they work by guiding children into thecreative part of their mind through a number of carefully scriptedstory meditations. Each meditation story has an underlay of subtlesound effects and gentle music which combined with a calming voicemake them irresistible and deeply relaxing. These recordings willhelp children to relax and enhance feelings of contentment and alsofor general relaxation, or as a teaching resource.Children’s Bedtime Sleep Meditations Features:• 3 kids meditations to download and listen to completelyfree.• High quality professional recording techniques.• Calm reassuring voices safely guiding your kids into a completelyrelaxed state of mind & body.• Soothing background sounds for children.• In-app purchases featuring 20+ children's sleep meditations forboys and girls of all ages.
Star Meditation - Peace & Calm 1.3
Star Meditation by Glenn Harrold & AliCalderwood is a deeply relaxing healing meditation to help youproblem solve and find inner peace and calm. Many customers saythey use this recording regularly to reconnect them with a feelingof inner peace.This guided meditation for relaxation and problem solvingfeatures Glenn Harrold's highly acclaimed vocal delivery and AliCalderwood’s beautiful moving background sounds, which work inperfect harmony with Glenn’s vocal. With this powerful but gentlemeditation you will float safely up to your star to a place ofpeace and tranquillity where you can view any problems or issuesfrom a much higher perspective. By escaping from the pressures anddistractions of everyday life your mind will feel clearer andpeaceful and you will be empowered to find solutions. StarMeditation is based on an original script by Marie Williamson whois Glenn Harrold's Personal Assistant.The magnetic healing quality of the music will draw you back toyour centre of balance, allowing you to be in a deeper state ofpresence in your daily life. Within the music you will hear throatsinging/chanting which has no actual translation, these soundsembody the energy of gratitude. This powerful recording is acompletely safe and effective way of helping you to connect withyourself and find solutions to any problems or issues.This Star Meditation App includes:Healing Meditation and Hypnosis Audio Tracks:• Star Meditation - 40:11 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks• The Ultimate Guide to Self-Hypnosis• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• How To Use This App e-Book• About The AuthorsThe main Star Meditation track has a 'go to sleep' ending whichis ideal for bedtime use.Star Meditation Features:• Glenn Harrold's calming voice guiding you into a completelyrelaxed state of mind & body.• Powerful meditation techniques, state-of-the-art digitalrecording technology and unique sound frequencies and music,created by Ali Calderwood from Anima.• Soothing background sounds recorded in specific musical keys andfrequencies to deepen the relaxation effect.• Hypnotic echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing, unique effect.
Overcome Phobias Hypnotherapy 1.2
Glenn has drawn upon his 20-year experience asa clinical hypnotherapist to produce the two hypnotherapyrecordings in this App. He has helped thousands of clients overcomea wide range of common and obscure fears and phobias.Both hypnotherapy sessions will help you to overcome any phobiaor anxiety problem in a safe and natural way. Each track has beencarefully scripted and constructed so that the recordings can beused to overcome any phobia. Both hypnotherapy sessions offer adifferent approach and can be used separately or in conjunctionwith each other.This App has been designed to conquer all types of phobia andanxiety including the fear of flying, heights, the dentist,sickness, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, spiders, needles, snakes,social phobia, thunderstorms, anxiety as well as any of the moreobscure types of phobia.On the hypnotherapy recordings, you will hear Glenn’s acclaimedhypnotic vocal techniques which will guide you into a deep state ofmental and physical relaxation. At this point you will be shown howto use the power of your own mind to safely remove or minimise theanxiety response. You will then feel safe and secure and be able toreact in a normal way when you are faced with the situation thatonce caused you anxiety.The background sounds on each track have been recorded incertain keys and frequencies to help enhance the hypnotic effectand help to guide you into a deeply relaxed state of mental andphysical relaxation. In this very receptive relaxed state you arealso given a number of post hypnotic and direct suggestions to helpyou to overcome all problems associated with your phobia. There arealso a number of carefully worded background affirmations, whichecho and pan from left to right across the stereo range, ideal whenusing headphones.This App Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Release The Fear (awake ending) 35:08 mins• Take Back Control (sleep ending) 38:08 minseBooks by Glenn Harrold• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorIntroduction music written by Glenn HarroldIndividual background music pieces by Glenn Harrold and ChristopherLloyd ClarkeThis state of the art recording features:• The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-artdigital recording technology.• Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guiding youinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.• 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musical keysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepenthe relaxation effect.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.• Relaxing Pink Noise and Sea sounds.Glenn is one of the world's best-selling hypnotherapists withmulti-million sales of his Apps, CDs, MP3s and 7 self-help books.He has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapist andworks with many celebrity clients. Glenn has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions are oftenfeatured in newspaper and magazine articles.
417 Hz Solfeggio Meditation 5.4
417 Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation by GlennHarrold & Ali CalderwoodThis is the second of a series of six sonic meditationrecordings by Glenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood, which are basedupon the ancient solfeggio musical scale. Each note in this scalehas specific healing properties and this recording uses the secondnote, which resonates to a frequency of 417 Hz and is associatedwith the colour orange and the element of water.This particular frequency works to dissolve emotional patternsand imprints from the past and facilitate positive changes. It alsohelps to clear other emotional patterns, such as low self-esteem,self-rejection, overindulgence, jealousy and emotional instability,all of which exist within the same vibrational energy. It has beensaid that the solfeggio tones can even help to release blocks andtraumas from past lives.Glenn Harrold's skilled vocal delivery and guided meditationcombined with Ali Calderwood's deep and moving soundscapes tuned to417 Hz combine to create an amazingly powerful meditation recordingthat has the potential to clear away blocks on a deep cellularlevel. Listen now to resolve past traumas and facilitate changesthat will leave you feeling lighter and free of old baggage.At the end of the recording you will be gently guided to sleepmaking this app ideal for bedtime use.This App IncludesMeditation Audio Tracks417 Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation – 42:11 minsRE 417 Hz Solfeggio Music Only Track – 11:22 minseBooksSolfeggio Chakra ChartAbout the Ancient Solfeggio Scale and Healing SoundsHow To Use This AppAbout The AuthorsColour: OrangeElement: WaterAssociated Body Parts: Gonads, Ovaries, Womb, Testes, Genitals,Kidneys, ProstateRelated Dysfunctions: Impotence, Frigidity, Uterine, Bladder orKidney Difficulties, Stiff Lower Back, Self-rejection & LowEsteem, Overindulgence, Jealousy, Emotional InstabilityAbout The SoundsThe music with this series of meditations has been speciallycrafted and precisely tuned to transmit each of the solfeggiofrequencies. By combining these sounds with a guided meditation youhave the potential to release deep-rooted blockages. Thesecompositions also contain an array of sacred instruments and soundssuch as crystal bowls, didgeridoo and sacred chants, which work tofurther enhance the effects of the solfeggio tones.
Love Your Body Meditation 1.1
‘Love Yourself Love Your Body’ is a beautifulhealing guided meditation written and read by Shazzie Love. As anacclaimed author of five books, the creator of several lifetransformation programmes and an international speaker and workshopfacilitator, her quest is always the same: to help you on yourjourney back to the centre of your own heart.When you listen to this high-quality forty minute production,you will be gently shown the perfection in all that is. You will beable to release anything that is preventing you from fully lovingwho you are. This can help you with weight loss, self-acceptance,loving yourself and your body and much more. You can now also set awake-up alarm in case you fall asleep during the session.Throughout this transformational journey, you’ll be held by thesublime background music and sounds created by Ali Calderwood. Aliis an accomplished musician and healer who also produces theexquisite music of Anima. Ali’s uniquely crafted music soundscapeswithin this guided meditation contain specifically designedcombinations of healing frequencies which will have a deep,therapeutic effect on you.Ali’s state-of-the-art production techniques include whisperingechoed background vocals, which pan from left to right across thestereo range. This unique effect sits in perfect harmony withShazzie’s meditation and will help you relax deeper into themeditative state.This meditation will leave you refreshed, renewed and resonatingso much more from your heart. Relax into Shazzie’s soothing wordsand learn how to love yourself and your body.Do NOT listen while driving or operating machinery.If you suffer with serious depression or epilepsy please consultyour doctor before listening to this app.Love Yourself Love Your Body Includes:- Love Yourself, Love Your Body Audio (Running Time:39:31)- How To Use This App- Set Wake-up Alarm- About Shazzie & Ali eBook- Share This AppDeveloped by Arkenea Technologies (www.arkenea.com) for DivinitiPublishing Ltd.
Heal Your Inner Child 3.1
***Please note: This app has recently beenupdated to include access to additional hypnotherapy sessions andfix any issues.***This meditation App by Glenn Harrold has been designed to helpyou heal your inner child of wounds, blockages, negative emotionsand traumas from your past.How would you like to reprogram your inner self at the deepestlevel to feel very secure and loved and to let go of anyself-doubt, fears and worries. With Glenn’s beautiful, nurturingrecording you can do just that and develop a deep rooted beliefthat nothing can hold you back and that you can live life withcomplete freedom. This guided meditation takes you on a powerfuljourney where you will connect with your inner child where you willbe encouraged to heal and nurture this aspect of yourself.At all times you will feel safe and secure even if you feelemotional during the process, as emotional abreactions are often apart of inner child work when you clear old blocks from the past.And even though inner child work can be intense at times, when youclear old traumas you can begin to feel lighter and more like yourreal self.This recording will help you give your inner child all the loveand security they need and as a result you will feel so muchstronger in yourself and be able to deal with the ups and downs oflife with so much more confidence and self-belief.Please note: the recording has two versions, one for women andone for men so that it has a more personal feel to it. Please takecare to select the right version when using the app.It is recommended that you continue to use this recording asoften as you can as the healing process can have a number oflayers.This app includesAudio Tracks:• Heal Your Innner Child (male)• Heal Your Innner Child (female)• Includes access to both sleep and awake versions• Access to Over 70 Hypnosis & Meditation Audio TrackseBooks:• Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The Author
Blissful Birth Hypnotherapy 2.2
Blissful Birth Relaxation Hypnotherapy byGlenn Harrold & Janey Lee GraceBlissful Birth is the ultimate app to help you relax your mindand body before, during and after giving birth. Having a positivepsychological mindset will help you to have the best possiblebirthing experience.Following on from Joyful Pregnancy, Blissful Birth is a superbhigh quality audio, featuring recordings by million selling audiohypnotherapist Glenn Harrold and Janey Lee Grace, co-presenter ofthe BBC Steve Wright Radio 2 show. Janey is also a mother of 4young children, author of Imperfectly Natural Baby and Toddler andthe Patron of the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers.Janey Lee Grace has created two inspirational audio tracks, thefirst track will help you prepare for giving birth and the secondtrack will help you after giving birth. On track one Janey offersencouragement and advice (taken from her own personal experience offour natural births) for the last few weeks of pregnancy andexplains how to prepare your mind and body for the birth youdesire. Track two is to be used post-natally to help you throughthose first few days and weeks. Janey gives you many tips and ideason how to nurture yourself and your newborn baby naturally.To compliment Janey’s recordings Glenn has also created tworelaxing hypnotherapy tracks to help you before and after givingbirth. Both tracks are high quality recordings combining clinicalhypnotherapy techniques with state of the art digital recordingtechnology. On both tracks you will be guided into a wonderfulstate of mental and physical relaxation. Track one will help youprepare for the final stages of your pregnancy and giving birth andtrack two will help you after giving birth.Like all of Glenn’s recordings these tracks feature specialbackground sound effects which have been recorded in certain keysand frequencies to help enhance the relaxation effect. At thedeepest point in the session you are given a number of empoweringpost-hypnotic affirmations and direct suggestions to help you havethe best possible birth experience.Much of the pain of labour can be eased by using the techniqueson these recordings. Many studies show that positive feelings canhave a profound impact on babies in the womb. Bruce H. Lipton, PhD,an internationally best-selling author and stem cell biologist saysthat, “positive thoughts may be the ultimate health tip for apregnant woman”.Give your baby the very best start in life. This wonderful appis full of advice and powerful hypnotic suggestions to help youthrough the birthing and post natal experience.Audio Tracks by Janey Lee Grace:• Preparation For Blissful Birth - 20:10 mins• Congratulations You're a New Mum - 14:15 minsHypnosis Tracks by Glenn Harrold:• Post Natal Relaxation - 28:29 mins• Relaxation For Birth - 30:39 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks• About The Authors• The 7 Golden Sleep Rules by Glenn Harrold• The Ultimate Guide to Self-Hypnosis by Glenn Harrold• How To Use This AppIntroduction music written by Glenn HarroldIndividual background music pieces by Glenn Harrold and ChristopherLloyd ClarkeBlissful Birth app features:• Five professional audio recordings by the UK’s best-selling audiohypnotherapist Glenn Harrold and Janey Lee Grace (co-presenter ofthe BBC Steve Wright Radio 2 show). Glenn’s recording features thevery latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-art digitalrecording technology.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions are oftenfeatured in newspaper and magazine articles.
Beach Meditation Relaxation 4.3
Beach Meditation is a superb high qualityguided meditation recording by multi-million selling self-helpaudio author Glenn Harrold. This recording will help you de-stressand clear your mind at the end of the day and go into a deeprelaxing sleep. There is no wake up part on this recording so it isideal for bedtime listening when you need to relax and sleep well.The 50-minute audio track will take you on a special journeyinto the deepest levels of relaxation. The subtle backgroundsoundscapes supporting Glenn’s soothing voice will help you connectwith a profound feeling of relaxation and well-being.Like all of Glenn’s recordings it uses special background soundeffects which have been recorded in certain keys and frequencies tohelp enhance the meditation effect and guide you into a deep stateof mental and physical relaxation. The background sounds are amixture of sea sounds and pink noise, which induces deep feelingsof relaxation and calm.The guided meditation will take you down to a healing garden andthen to the beach. At the deepest point in the session you will begiven a number of empowering post-hypnotic affirmations and directsuggestions to help you connect with a deep feeling of mental andphysical relaxation, which will stay with you in your everydaylife.There are also a number of background affirmations, which echoand pan from left to right across the stereo range, ideal whenusing headphones. This deeply relaxing and powerful method ofdelivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to the unconsciousmind can facilitate positive changes very quickly.At the end of the recording you can drift away to the relaxingsound of the sea, which includes embedded subliminal suggestions.This empowering recording is a completely safe and very effectiveway of helping you to go into a deep state of relaxation and sleepwell at bedtime.This state of the art recording features:* A deeply relaxing 50-minute guided meditation - Ideal forbedtime listening.* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guiding youinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musicalkeys and frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepen the relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear acrossthe stereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.* Relaxing Pink Noise and Sea sounds.This App Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• Beach Meditation 50:30 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks:• How To Use This App• About The Author• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self HypnosisGlenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions are oftenfeatured in newspaper and magazine articles.
Pain Control Hypnotherapy 2.3
Pain Control Hypnotherapy by Glenn HarroldThis powerful hypnosis recording by best-selling self-helpauthor Glenn Harrold has been designed to help you to control painnaturally.Pain signals are nerve impulses that travel through the centralnervous system and to the brain. Once a pain response is registeredin the brain a feeling of discomfort is felt. The level ofdiscomfort is dependent on the strength of the pain signal.Some people can cope better with pain than others depending ontheir subjective pain threshold. However, we all have an innateability to control pain through the power of the mind. The aim ofthis recording is to minimise pain signals to manageable levels,but not to remove them completely, as pain is there to show us thatthere is a problem.The human brain has so much natural potential for controllingpain levels as well as healing the body. On this recording Glennuses a number of special hypnotherapy techniques to help you tominimise the strength of these pain signals. Journeying deeply intoyour unconscious mind will bring you a feeling of peace and comfortand will naturally activate your body’s healing resources.Hypnotherapy is a very powerful method for controlling pain andhealing the body. It is recommended that you use this recordingregularly, ideally in conjunction with Glenn’s Heal Your Bodytitle, which works on physical healing.This app includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Pain Control - 31:42 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks by Glenn Harrold• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorThis recording will take you in to a deep place where you canreally empower yourself and take back control.Post hypnotic Affirmations include:I continue to feel minimal pain in my bodyI feel comfortable and in control nowI take control of my health and well beingI love and accept myself completely
Self Esteem Hypnotherapy 1.3
Glenn Harrold is one of the world's mostsuccessful hypnotherapists. His meditation and hypnosis CDs, MP3downloads and Apps have sold millions worldwide and he is apublished author with 7 major self-help books to his name. Glennhas created this App to help you to build a strong and lastingfeeling of self-esteem.This App includes a powerful Hypnotherapy Track and two eBooks:Build Your Self-Esteem - The 8 Golden Rules and A Guide ToSelf-Hypnosis. The hypnotherapy track also features a higherquality streamed option.When you listen to the hypnotherapy session you will be safelyguided into a very deep state of mental and physical relaxation,beyond the ego state, and then given multiple post-hypnoticsuggestions to develop a strong feeling of self-esteem andconfidence.Feeling valued and having a strong feeling of self-worth is easywhen your mindset is right and Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnosistechniques and production can help you to achieve this in a safeand natural way. Glenn has helped many clients with low self-esteemin a one to one setting and draws upon that experience to help youbuild real self-esteem.Build Your Self Esteem Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks:• Build Your Self-Esteem - 34:13 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks:• Build Your Self-Esteem• Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorThe hypnotherapy sessions include:* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state of the artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnosis vocal and production techniquesguiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind &body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musical keysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepenthe relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles. His 'Build Your SelfEsteem' hypnosis audio CD and MP3 download has sold over 80,000 andbeen featured in many magazines.
Overcome Exam Nerves Hypnosis 2.3
Overcome Exam Nerves - A Relaxing HypnotherapyRecording by Glenn HarroldOvercome Exam Nerves will help you to deal with exam stress,anxiety and worry and reach a peak performance state in any kind oftest or examination by using the power of your mind. It will alsohelp you with your concentration, recall and memory when it reallycounts – when you take your exam.This superb high quality hypnosis App by million sellinghypnotherapist Glenn Harrold utilises post hypnotic suggestions,powerful echoed affirmations and visualisation techniques, to helpyou feel completely in control of your feelings when taking anexamination or test of any kind.The two hypnotherapy tracks combine skilled hypnotherapytechniques with state-of-the-art recording technology. Glenn’sunique recording techniques and highly acclaimed hypnotic deliverywill help you to feel inspired and motivated to prepare for yourexam in the best possible way. Both recordings will help you to letgo of any self-doubts, anxiety issues or fears and to feel in thezone when you really need it – when you are in a pressured examsituation.When you listen to the hypnotherapy sessions you will hearGlenn's relaxing voice guiding you into a completely relaxed stateof mind & body. There are also hypnotic echoed backgroundaffirmations panning from left to right across the stereo range - adeeply relaxing and uniquely hypnotic effect. Special sound effectsrecorded in specific musical keys and frequencies compliment thehypnotic suggestions and deepen the relaxation effect - pluspowerful subliminal suggestions - all compound the overalleffect.This app will help you in any exam or test situation by primingyour mind for your exam. We recommend you alternate tracks daily(or as often as you wish), as they both offer a different approach.Glenn also has similar Apps for driving test anxiety, publicspeaking and fear of flying. Check to see if they are availablenow.Overcome Exam Nerves App Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks:Overcome Exam Nerves Audio Track – 24:01 minsAchieving Peak Performance Audio Track – 25:23 minseBooks:How To Use This AppAbout The AuthorGlenn Harrold's Self-HypnosisDe-stress - The 8 Golden RulesEach hypnosis recording includes:* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnosis vocal and production techniquesguiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind &body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musical keysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepenthe relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.* Powerful subliminal suggestions embedded under the fade out musicto maximise the overall effectiveness of the recordings.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles.
Overcome Procrastination 3.0
***Please note: This app has recently beenupdated to include access to additional hypnotherapy sessions andfix any issues.***Overcome Procrastination by Glenn Harrold is a specialhypnotherapy recording that will help you connect with yourpotential and become much more motivated and determined in allareas of your life.If you are forever putting things off or you struggle to getthings done and move forward, this is the recording for you. Thehypnosis session will give you more self-belief and an ability torise to overcome difficulties and feel inspired to take action andget things done.With regular use of the recording and by absorbing the posthypnotic suggestions you will develop more enthusiasm and cope moreeasily with the ups and downs of life. Getting things done willnaturally feel good to you and when you have something that needsdoing, you will get on to it, get it done and move forward. And youwill really enjoy the feeling of taking action and beingdecisive.This app includes:• Overcome Procrastination (awake) 31:33 mins• Overcome Procrastination (sleep) 33:30 mins• Access to 70+ InApp Hypnotherapy Sessions by Glenn HarroldeBooks:• How To Use This App• About The Author• Ultimate Guide To Self HypnosisThis powerful hypnosis recording will help you become so muchmore creative and spontaneous in all areas of your life.Glenn is one of the world's most successful hypnotherapists. HisCDs, MP3 downloads and Apps have sold millions worldwide and he isa published author with 7 self-help books to his name.
Instant Confidence Hypnosis 1.0
Instant Confidence Booster is a high-qualityhypnosis audio app by Glenn Harrold.Glenn is one of the world's most successful hypnotherapists. HisCDs, MP3 downloads and Apps have sold millions worldwide and he isa published author with 7 self-help books to his name.This recording combines Glenn’s highly acclaimed hypnotherapytechniques and state-of-the-art production to help you boost yourconfidence.As you lie back and listen to the hypnosis audio track you willhear Glenn's soothing voice along with hypnotic echoed backgroundaffirmations panning from left to right. At the same time you willhear subtle background sound effects recorded at certainfrequencies and in specific keys to enhance the deep relaxationeffect.After being guided into a deeply relaxed and receptive state youwill effortlessly absorb the special post hypnotic suggestions andaffirmations, which will help you to feel so much moreself-confident. You will then respond to these suggestionsautomatically in your everyday life.
Do NOT listen while driving or operating machinery.If you suffer with serious depression or epilepsy please consultyour doctor before listening to this app.All of Glenn Harrold hypnosis audio recordings feature: * The very latest Hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-artdigital recording technology. * Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotherapy techniques guiding you intoa completely relaxed state of mind & body. * Subtle sound effects recorded in specific musical keys andfrequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepen therelaxation effect. * Stereo-echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect. * Powerful subliminal suggestions embedded under the fade out musicto maximise the overall effectiveness of the recordings.Glenn is the author of a number of best-selling books and hasover 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapist and workswith many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV a number oftimes and his successful hypnotherapy sessions often appear innewspaper and magazine articles.
Public Speaking Hypnotherapy 2.3
Public Speaking Confidence is a superb highquality hypnotherapy recording by best-selling self-help authorGlenn Harrold. This comprehensive App includes a public speakinghypnosis session and a bonus “Tips & Advice” track by AlyHarrold. It also includes “A Guide to The Art of Public Speaking”eBook by Aly Harrold.The Public Speaking Tips & Advice track is a 35-minuteexpert recording by Aly Harrold full of priceless advice andtechnical information to help you excel on your path to being anamazing public speaker.The Public Speaking Confidence hypnotherapy track by GlennHarrold is a powerful recording which will guide you into a deepstate of mental and physical relaxation. Once you are in areceptive state you will receive hypnotic suggestions to help youdeliver great speeches every time. You will also be guided tovisualise and mentally prepare for any upcoming speeches.At the end of the track you will be guided to sleep, making itideal for use before bedtime. This hypnotherapy recording includestried and tested techniques to get you into a peak performancestate when you actually make your speech. It will also help you toovercome any nerves and make very effective public speeches everytime.Glenn Harrold is a highly experienced clinical Hypnotherapistand best-selling author. His hypnosis CD, MP3 downloads and Appshave sold millions worldwide.This App Includes -Audio Tracks:• Public Speaking Hypnosis Session by Glenn Harrold• Public Speaking Tips & Advice by Aly HarroldeBooks:• A Guide To The Art of Public Speaking• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorIntroduction music written by Glenn HarroldIndividual background music pieces by Glenn Harrold and ChristopherLloyd Clarke‘Public Speaking Confidence’ hypnotherapy App features:• Glenn’s Harrold’s calming voice and highly acclaimed hypnosistechniques guiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind& body.• State-of-the-art recording technology and soothing backgroundsounds recorded in specific musical keys and frequencies to deepenthe relaxation effect.• Hypnotic echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing, unique effect.• Powerful subliminal suggestions under the fade out sound at theend of the wake up recording.• Tips & Advice audio track “Become The Speaker You Know YouCan Be!” (35 minutes).
Sports Performance Hypnosis 1.2
Supercharge Your Sports Performance is asuperb high quality hypnosis recording by multi-million sellingself-help audio author Glenn Harrold. Glenn’s powerful hypnosisrecording will help you achieve a peak performance state wheneveryou need to be at your best in any sporting event.Using the latest hypnotherapy techniques Glenn will help youprepare for any sporting activity or competition by using the powerof your mind. The hypnosis session will help you focus your mind onbeing able to get ‘in the zone’ and achieve a ‘peak performancestate’ whenever you engage in sport or compete at any level.If you have any kind of apprehension or anxiety when you playsport or even if you just want to improve the mental side of yourgame then this is the recording for you. It will help you performwell under pressure and eliminate fear or negativity.Preparation is the key to achieving sporting greatness and youwill be amazed at how good you feel after using this recording. Itcan be used by amateurs and professionals in any sport.At the end of the session you will be guided to sleep, making itideal for use before bedtime.This App Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Sports Performance - 48:07 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks by Glenn Harrold• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorThis state-of-the-art recording features:* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guiding youinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musical keysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepenthe relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.* Relaxing Pink Noise and Sea sounds.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles.
Develop A Powerful Memory 1.2
Develop A Powerful Memory by Glenn HarroldOvercome memory loss anxiety with this superb high qualitymemory improvement hypnosis title by Glenn Harrold. It is acomplete myth that memory deteriorates with age, your memory canactually become stronger as you grow older. Hypnotherapy can helpyou to develop a creative memory that will help you in many areasof your life. On the recording there are techniques that will helpyou store and recall information, improve your concentration andovercome memory loss in a safe and natural way, free of any harmfulside effects.This high quality hypnotherapy app will help you to develop apowerful memory that gets stronger all the time by using skilledhypnotherapy techniques. It can be used for any type of exampreparation, or to improve concentration and develop a strongermemory. On each hypnotherapy session you will hear a pleasant voiceand absorbing 60 BPM sound effects guiding you into a deeplyrelaxed state of mental and physical relaxation. In this veryreceptive relaxed state, you will be given a number of posthypnotic suggestions and carefully layered affirmations to help youstore and recall information more easily. The background echoedaffirmations pan from left to right in your headphones. This deeplyrelaxing method of delivering multiple suggestions simultaneouslyto the unconscious mind can facilitate positive changes veryquickly.Develop A Powerful Memory Includes:1. Develop A Powerful Memory (awake ending) 28:582. Develop Your Concentration (sleep ending) 28:193. 12 Minute Sleep BoosterGlenn Harrold eBooks:The Ultimate Guide to Self-HypnosisAbout The AuthorDevelop A Powerful Memory Features:• Glenn Harrold’s calming voice guiding you into a completelyrelaxed state of mind & body.• A 12-minute sleep booster track for bedtime.• Powerful hypnosis techniques, state of the art digital recordingtechnology and unique sound frequencies.• Soothing background sounds recorded in specific musical keys andfrequencies to deepen the relaxation effect.• Hypnotic echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing, unique effect.
Overcome Tinnitus Hypnotherapy 1.3
Overcome Tinnitus is a superb high qualityhypnotherapy App by the UK’s best selling hypnotherapist GlennHarrold, combining powerful clinical hypnotherapy techniques withstate-of-the-art digital recording technology.Overcome Tinnitus is a 32-minute hypnotherapy session where youwill hear Glenn’s relaxing hypnotic voice overlaid with specialsound effects helping to help free you from the unwantedsounds.The music in this recording has been produced in certain keysand frequencies to help enhance the hypnotic effect and help toguide you into a deeply relaxed state of mental and physicalrelaxation. In this very receptive relaxed state you are given anumber of post hypnotic and direct suggestions to help you toovercome all problems associated with tinnitus.There are also a number of carefully worded backgroundaffirmations, which echo and pan from left to right across thestereo range, ideal when using headphones. This deeply relaxing andpowerful method of delivering multiple suggestions simultaneouslyto the unconscious mind can facilitate positive changes veryquickly.At the end of the recording you will be gently guided to sleep.There are also a number of positive subliminal suggestions, whichare embedded in the fade out music adding to the overall effect.This powerful recording is a completely safe and very effective wayof helping to overcome the burden of tinnitus.Overcome Tinnitus Hypnotherapy Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Overcome Tinnitus 35:30 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks by Glenn Harrold• The 7 Golden Sleep Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorThis state-of-the-art recording features:* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guiding youinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musical keysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepenthe relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.* Relaxing Pink Noise and Sea sounds.
Kids Confidence Meditations 1.1
This relaxing and calming children'sconfidence App by Glenn Harrold combines gentle hypnotherapytechniques with state of the art digital recording technology.Each track is aimed at empowering children and are packed fullof hypnotic positive suggestions embedded in absorbing storylines.Glenn says: "As a father myself I wanted to create a powerfulApp that will help kids of all ages overcome typical fears and helpthem to cope with the many pressures of growing up in the worldtoday. The two meditation recordings are aimed at helping kids dealwith schoolwork and with fitting in with peer groups, as well asbuilding self-worth and self-respect".Children of all ages can listen to both recordings, althoughtrack 1 is aimed at a slightly younger audience, approximately from5 to 12, and track 2 is roughly aimed at 10 to 16 year olds. Isuggest you explain to your child that they mustn't worry if theyfeel they are too old (or young) for some parts of the meditationas the most important part is that they absorb the suggestionstowards the end of each track. Whatever their age it is a good ideato encourage them to listen to one or both tracks regularly.Please be careful with headphone leads if your child listens atnight, as they may well fall asleep before the end of themeditations.Features and introduction and two meditation sessionscontaining: Glenn’s pleasant voice, echoed background vocalspanning from left to right across the stereo range, soothing soundeffects and layered background music supporting themeditations.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions are oftenfeatured in newspaper and magazine articles.
A Guided Meditation 1.3
Experience a state of deep inner peace andcalm when you listen to this superb high quality guided meditationaudio app by Glenn Harrold.Glenn is one of the world's most successful hypnotherapists, hishypnosis and meditation CDs, MP3 downloads and Apps have sold andbeen downloaded over 6,000,000 times.The recording is a very visual guided meditation that will help youfeel very calm and peaceful and will help you raise your energy andvibration. Glenn's highly acclaimed techniques and state of the artproduction will help you achieve a deep state of relaxation andinner peace.The App also features two useful eBooks, A Guide to Self Hypnosisand De-stress - The 8 Golden Rules.When you listen to Guided Meditation, you will hear Glenn'srelaxing voice guiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind& body. There are also hypnotic echoed background affirmationspanning from left to right across the stereo range - a deeplyrelaxing and uniquely hypnotic effect. Sound effects recorded inspecific musical keys and frequencies to compliment the hypnoticsuggestions and deepen the relaxation effect.At the point when you have been guided into a very receptiverelaxed state, you will be given a number of post hypnoticsuggestions and carefully layered affirmations to help you feelmore relaxed and in control in your daily life.Glenn utilises his skilled hypnotherapy techniques to help you toovercome old insecurities and feel more in control and empowered inmany ways. This powerful app is a completely safe and veryeffective way of raising your energy and connecting with yourcreative inner self.Do NOT listen while driving or operating machinery.If you suffer with serious depression or epilepsy please consultyour doctor before listening to this app.This App Includes:* A Guided Meditation Audio Track* De-Stress - 8 Golden Rules eBook* Glenn Harrold's new Self-Hypnosis e-Book.The meditation recording Features:* A unique meditation, the latest hypnosis techniques and state ofthe art digital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal delivery and production techniquesguiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind &body.* 60 b.p.m. background sound effects recorded in specific musicalkeys and frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepen the relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles.
Fear of Flying Hypnotherapy 2.4
Overcome The Fear of Flying by Glenn Harroldis a superb, high quality hypnosis relaxation audio app. Glenn hassold over 6 million CDs, MP3 downloads and Apps and is one of theworlds best selling hypnotherapists. His highly acclaimed hypnosistechniques and state-of-the-art production have helped many makeprofound life changes.The hypnotherapy session will guide you safely into a deep stateof relaxation and give you layered post-hypnotic suggestions tohelp you to programme your mind to overcome any fear and fly withcomplete confidence.On the hypnotherapy audio track you will hear Glenn's soothingvoice along with hypnotic echoed background affirmations panningfrom left to right, with subtle background sound effects recordedat certain frequencies and in specific keys to enhance the deeprelaxation effect. After being guided into a deeply relaxed andreceptive state you will effortlessly absorb the many post-hypnoticsuggestions which will help you feel completely in control of yourthoughts and feelings when you travel by plane.This common fear is purely a state of mind and overcoming thefear of flying phobia is very important in this day and age of easytravel. Glenn Harrold has successfully helped thousands of peopleovercome their fear of flying. The audio track has been designed tohelp you let go of anxiety and to overcome your fearful perceptionof flying by using powerful desensitisation techniques and posthypnotic suggestions. For optimum results you should listen on adaily basis leading up to the day of your next flight. You shouldstart this ideally 2 weeks before your flight date.This App IncludesHypnosis Audio Tracks:• Overcome The Fear Of Flying (awake) 29:58 mins• Overcome The Fear Of Flying Affirmations (sleep) 37:14 minseBooks:• How To Use This App• About The Author• Flying - The 12 Golden Rules• Ultimate Guide To Self HypnosisOvercome The Fear of Flying Includes:* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotherapy techniques guiding you intoa completely relaxed state of mind & body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musical keysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepenthe relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.* Powerful subliminal suggestions embedded under the fade out musicto maximise the overall effectiveness of the recordings.
Feel Alive Now - Motivational 1.4
Feel Alive Now is a 10 minute motivationalbooster by Glenn Harrold, that will leave you feeling more aliveand in the present moment - Newly updated on the 27th August 2015!This app includes:Audio Tracks:• Feel Alive Now! - 10:57 mins• 12 Minute Sleep Booster eBooks:• The Ultimate Guide To Self-Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorThe recording aims to give you a boost during your day andfeatures some new motivational music long with some inspiringsuggestions and affirmations.These include:• I feel alive and in the present moment• I live life with courage and confidence• I live my life to the full• I feel connected to my creativity• I love and respect myself unconditionally• I am big hearted, kind and generousThis uplifting recording can be used for relaxation, working outor when you are going about your daily routines as it does notguide you into a hypnotic trance like many of Glenn's recordings.This magical booster recording will inspire you and leave youfeeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Sleep Easily Full Version 1.0
Sleep Easily Meditation – Full Version is anenhanced version of the original free app. This app contains abundle of goodies with it including 3 eBook reports and a musictrack of soundscapes from the meditation without the words to enjoyas well.Written and read by Shazzie. As an acclaimed author of fivebooks, the creator of several life transformation programs and aninternational speaker and workshop facilitator her quest is alwaysthe same: to help you on your journey back to the centre of yourown heart.Relax into her soothing words and let go fully into a deeplyrelaxing sleep. During this thirty six minute recording, you’ll begently guided every step of the way to relax your whole body andmind.Throughout these beautiful recordings, you’ll be held by themusic and sounds created by Ali Calderwood. Ali is an accomplishedmusician and healer who also produces the exquisite music ofAnima.Ali’s uniquely crafted music soundscapes within this guidedmeditation contains specifically designed combinations of healingfrequencies which will have a deep, therapeutic effect on you. Youwill experience state of the art production techniques such aswhispering echoed background vocals which pan from left to rightacross the stereo range.This unique effect will help you relax deeper into themeditative sleep. You will also hear some 60 BPM digital soundeffects as well as powerful subliminal suggestions that compoundthe therapeutic effect.This meditation will leave you refreshed, renewed and resonatingso much more from your heart and a place of stillness. From there,you’ll be able to attract towards you everything your heartdesires, without your head getting in the way.This App Includes:Meditation Audios- Sleep Easy Guided Meditation (Full Version) - 36:17 mins- Sleep Easy Meditation Music - 22:40 mins- Wake Up In Paradise (Parts 1-3) - 15:19 minseBooks- How To Get A Better Night’s Sleep eBook- Sleep & How To Rest Better eBook- Dream Symbolism eBook- How To Use This App eBook- About Shazzie & Ali eBook- Anima DiscographyDeveloped by Arkenea Technologies (www.arkenea.com) for DivinitiPublishing Ltd.
Mindfulness for Anxiety 1.1
This mindfulness meditation app will helpyouto learn the empowering skill of anchoring yourself in thepresentmoment. Glenn will guide you through each area of your bodyandencourage you to notice any sensations or feelings as theyoccur.You will then be guided through a beautiful visualisation bya lakewhich is aimed at helping you to become aware ofindividualthoughts, without any judgement.Whenever you feel worried, anxious or stressed you can learntosimply notice your thoughts as they come and go. When youobserveeach thought from a distance, rather than getting caught upin it,you will naturally find this releases you from the cycle ofanxietyand worry. You will also learn to use your breathing toanchoryourself in the present moment whenever you need it. Thiswill helpyou feel calm and composed when you are faced with anxiousorstressful situations in your life.This app Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• Mindfulness Meditation for Releasing Anxiety (Full Version)39:05mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Releasing Anxiety (Short Version)10:00mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Releasing Anxiety (Music Only)21:58minseBooks:• A Guide to Self Hypnosis• About The Authors• How To Use This App• Useful ResourcesGlenn’s acclaimed meditation techniques combine withdeeplyrelaxing music by Russ Davey to create a powerful sessionthat willhelp you make lasting and meaningful changes to your life.Russ’smusic blends dreamy piano and guitar sounds withcalmingatmospheric soundscapes, heavenly choirs, chimes andTibetanchanting.Mindfulness Meditations for Releasing Anxiety Appfeatures:• A deeply relaxing 39-minute mindfulness meditation sessionforreleasing anxiety.• A relaxing 10-minute mindfulness meditation booster sessionforwhen time is limited.• Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal techniques guiding you intoacompletely relaxed state of mind & body.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing effect.• Soothing background music pieces by Russ Davey tuned to thethemeof Mindfulness, with each piece of music designed specificallyforeach therapy section of the recording.Mindfulness takes practice, so for best results, werecommendlistening to the full 39-minute session once a day. Thisapp alsoincludes a 10 minute edited version of the main track. Thisshortmeditation is ideal for recharging yourself in middle of theday,maybe on a lunch break or when time is limited. Listen fortenminutes and feel more creative, refreshed and ready to take ontherest of your day with a new enthusiasm.About Mindfulness MeditationMindfulness techniques have been used for thousands of years,andhave been proven to help ease many psychological stresseslikeanxiety, fear and pain.With today’s busy lifestyle, we often try to ignoreproblems,fears and concerns. We put things to the back of our mindsas acoping mechanism, but these thoughts and feelings can returnandcreate a cycle of anxiety that can feel difficult toescape.Mindfulness is about focusing attention on feelings andthoughts,noticing how they make us feel, and letting them gowithoutjudgement.By learning to observe our thoughts and feelings, we can begintosee them from a distance rather than getting caught up in them.Thisnaturally reduces anxiety and stress as you learn to acceptlife inthe present moment.Mindfulness lets you heal your mind in a number of ways:• It helps release the familiar cycle of anxiety, worryandfears.• It helps you become kinder to yourself, and reducesnegativeself-talk.• It helps you to notice automatic reactions and to ceasenegativehabits.• It allows you to become more creative in your approachtodifficult situations.You can also use mindfulness techniques to cultivatequalitiessuch as kindness, or overcome any number of problemsordifficulties in your life.
Overcome Driving Phobias 1.0
This high quality hypnosis recordingcombinespowerful clinical hypnotherapy techniques with state of theartdigital recording technology to help you overcome all drivingfearsand phobias.This powerful hypnotherapy session will help both learnersandexperienced drivers to overcome any driving phobia or anxietyonany type of road.If you have a fear of driving on motorways or travellinganydistance in a car the powerful post hypnotic suggestions willhelpyou to release this anxiety and to accept that you feelmorerelaxed and in control when you are driving. Driving onmotorwaysor indeed any road will then feel quite normal to you.This app includes:Hypnosis Tracks:• Overcome Driving Phobias (awake ending) 30:08 mins• Overcome Driving Phobias (sleep ending) 33:08 minseBooks:• How To Use This App• About The Author• Ultimate Guide To Self HypnosisYou will hear Glenn's pleasant voice and relaxing soundeffectsguiding you into a deeply relaxed state of mental andphysicalrelaxation. In this very receptive relaxed state you aregiven anumber of post hypnotic and direct suggestions to help youtoovercome all fears and nerves and to take control of yourfeelingswhenever you drive.There are also a number of background echoed affirmations, whichpanfrom left to right in your headphones. This deeply relaxingandpowerful method of delivering multiple suggestionssimultaneouslyto the unconscious mind can facilitate positivechanges veryquickly.At the end of the session you will be guided into a deepandpeaceful sleep. There are also a number of positivesubliminalsuggestions which are embedded in the music whichfacilitate theoverall effect.This powerful app is a completely safe and very effective wayofhelping drivers of all abilities to overcome driving phobiasandfeel positive and in control at all times behind the wheel.Overcome Driving Phobias Features:• Glenn Harrold’s calming voice guiding you into acompletelyrelaxed state of mind & body.• A soothing meditation with a state of the art productionandunique sound frequencies.• Soothing background sounds recorded in specific musical keysandfrequencies to deepen the relaxation effect.• Hypnotic echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing, unique effect.
Mindfulness for Deep Sleep 1.0
This app has been designed to helpyoucompletely switch off and connect with a feeling of presenceandpeace as you fall asleep. Mindfulness techniques can help youtostill your mind and clear away any worries or anxieties,allowingyou to switch off and fall into a deep peaceful sleep everynight.The meditation features a beautiful windmill visualisation,whichaims to help you calm your mind and let go of any thoughtswithoutjudgement. If you suffer with insomnia or struggle toswitch off atnight, the layers of hypnotherapy and progressivedepth of thisrecording will make the process of going to sleepfeel easy andnatural.Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• Mindfulness Meditation for Deep Sleep (Full Version)32:41mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Deep Sleep (Short Version)10:00mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Deep Sleep (Music Only) 22:53 minseBooks:• A Guide to Self Hypnosis• About The Authors• How To Use This App• Useful ResourcesGlenn’s acclaimed meditation techniques combine withdeeplyrelaxing music by Russ Davey to create a powerful sessionthat willhelp you make lasting and meaningful changes to your life.Russ’smusic blends dreamy piano and guitar sounds withcalmingatmospheric soundscapes, heavenly choirs, chimes andTibetanchanting.Mindfulness Meditations for Deep Sleep App features:• A deeply relaxing 32-minute mindfulness meditation session.• A relaxing 10-minute mindfulness meditation booster session,idealfor when you need a catnap in the middle of the day.• Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal techniques guiding you intoarelaxed state of mind & body.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing effect.• Soothing background music pieces by Russ Daveycreatedspecifically for the theme of Mindfulness and designedspecificallyfor each section of the recording.Mindfulness takes practice, so for best results, werecommendlistening to the full 32-minute session once a day. Thisapp alsoincludes a 10 minute edited version of the main track. Thisappalso includes a 10 minute edited version of the main track.Thisshort meditation is ideal for when you need a catnap in themiddleof the day. Listen for ten minutes and feel morecreative,refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day with anewenthusiasm.About Mindfulness MeditationMindfulness techniques have been used for thousands of years,andhave been proven to help ease many psychological stresseslikeanxiety, fear and pain.With today’s busy lifestyle, we often try to ignoreproblems,fears and concerns. We put things to the back of our mindsas acoping mechanism, but these thoughts and feelings can returnandcreate a cycle of anxiety that can feel difficult toescape.Mindfulness is about focusing attention on feelings andthoughts,noticing how they make us feel, and letting them gowithoutjudgement.By learning to observe our thoughts and feelings, we can begintosee them from a distance rather than getting caught up in them.Thisnaturally reduces anxiety and stress as you learn to acceptlife inthe present moment.Mindfulness lets you heal your mind in a number of ways:• It helps release the familiar cycle of anxiety, worryandfears.• It helps you become kinder to yourself, and reducesnegativeself-talk.• It helps you to notice automatic reactions and to ceasenegativehabits.• It allows you to become more creative in your approachtodifficult situations.You can also use mindfulness techniques to cultivatequalitiessuch as kindness, or overcome any number of problemsordifficulties in your life.
Meditation For Inner Wisdom 2.3
Meditation For Inner Wisdom is a superbhighquality healing meditation recording by best-sellingself-helpaudio author Glenn Harrold.Track one is a 37-minute guided spiritual healing meditationthatwill take you on a special healing journey through a garden,awoodland and on to a lake under a beautiful harvest moon. Youwillthen be guided up to the magnificent stars of Orion. It is averyvisual recording and the subtle background soundscapessupportingGlenn’s powerful voice will help you connect with aprofoundfeeling of inner wisdom and love. Track two is an11-minutehypnosis affirmation track.Glenn created this healing meditation recording to helppeopletake on a higher perspective in these challenging andstressfultimes. The focus is very much on empowering the listenerandconnecting them to their spirituality. Like all ofGlenn’srecordings it combines powerful meditation andhypnotherapytechniques with state of the art digital recordingtechnology. Thespecial background sound effects have been recordedin certain keysand frequencies to help enhance the meditationeffect and guide youinto a deep state of mental and physicalrelaxation. At the deepestpoint in the meditation you are given anumber of post-hypnotic anddirect suggestions to help you connectwith your spirituality and afeeling of inner peace and wisdom.There are also a number of background affirmations, whichechoand pan from left to right across the stereo range, idealwhenusing headphones. This deeply relaxing and powerful methodofdelivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to theunconsciousmind can facilitate positive changes very quickly.At the end of the healing meditation you will be gentlyguidedback to full waking consciousness with a combination ofsuggestionand music. There are also a number of positivesubliminalsuggestions, which are embedded in the fade out musicadding to theoverall effect. This amazing recording is a completelysafe andvery effective way of connecting with your higher self anddrawingout the creative genius in you.Meditation For Inner Wisdom features:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Meditation 4 Inner Wisdom - 37:08 mins• 11 Minute Affirmation TrackeBooks by Glenn Harrold• How To Use This App• About The Author• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• Useful ResourcesThis state of the art recording features:• Glenn's highly acclaimed meditation techniques guiding youintoa deep state of mental and physical relaxation.• Background sound effects recorded at certain frequencies andinspecific keys to enhance the deep trance effect.• Hypnotic echoed backing vocals panning from left to rightacrossthe stereo range - a unique effect.• Dreamy sound effects & powerful subliminal suggestions -allcompounding the overall effect.• Both tracks combine powerful meditation techniques withastate-of-the-art digital recording technology.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-timehypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He hasappeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapysessions are oftenfeatured in newspaper and magazine articles.
Be Wealthy Meditation 1.1
Be Wealthy Now is an abundancemeditationwritten and read by Shazzie Love. As an acclaimed authorof fivebooks, the creator of several life transformation programmesand aninternational speaker and workshop facilitator, her quest isalwaysthe same; to help you on your journey back to the centre ofyourown heart. From this space Shazzie will help you to seehowpowerful you truly are and how you can manifest all yourdreams& desires. Relax into her soothing words and let go fullyintoa brand new empowered you. During this forty minuterecording,you’ll be gently guided to release anything from yourselfthat maybe blocking you from attracting abundance and success onalllevels.Throughout this transformational journey, you’ll be held bythemusic and sounds created by Ali Calderwood. Ali is anaccomplishedmusician and healer who also produces the exquisitemusic of Anima.Ali’s uniquely crafted music soundscapes within thisguidedmeditation contains specifically designed combinations ofhealingfrequencies which will have a deep, therapeutic effect onyou.You will experience state of the art production techniquessuchas whispering echoed background vocals which pan from left torightacross the stereo range. This unique effect will help yourelaxdeeper into the meditative state. You will also hear some 60BPMdigital sound effects as well as powerful subliminalsuggestionsthat compound the therapeutic effect. This meditationwill leaveyou refreshed, renewed and resonating so much more fromyour heart.From there, you’ll be able to attract towards youeverything yourheart desires, without your head getting in the way.You can alsoset a wake-up alarm to wake you up if you fall asleepduring thesession.Do NOT listen while driving or operating machinery.If you suffer with serious depression or epilepsy pleaseconsultyour doctor before listening to this app.Be Wealthy Now Includes:- Be Wealthy Now Audio (Running Time: 42:50)- Set Wake-up Alarm- How To Use This App- About Shazzie & Ali eBook- Share This AppDeveloped by Arkenea Technologies (www.arkenea.com) forDivinitiPublishing Ltd.
Find Your Soul Mate Meditation 1.2
Find Your Soul Mate is a highqualityinspirational meditation written and read by Shazzie Love.As anacclaimed author of five books, the creator of severallifetransformation programmes and an international speaker andworkshopfacilitator her quest is always the same: to help you onyourjourney back to the centre of your own heart.This recording is of the highest quality in terms ofarrangement,production and delivery. During the forty minuterecording, you’llbe gently guided to meet your true love and torelease anything fromyourself that may be unhelpful to you in yourquest. You will findit easy to relax deeply as Shazzie’s soothingwords guide you into adeep state of relaxation and meditationThroughout this transformational journey, you’ll be held bythesublime background music and sounds created by Ali Calderwood.Aliis an accomplished musician and healer who also producestheexquisite music of Anima. Ali’s uniquely crafted musicsoundscapeswithin this guided meditation contains specificallydesignedcombinations of healing frequencies which will have adeep,therapeutic effect on you.Ali’s state-of-the-art production techniques includewhisperingechoed background vocals which pan from left to rightacross thestereo range. This unique effect will help you relaxdeeper intothe meditative state. You can also set a wake-up alarmto wake youup if you fall asleep during the session.This meditation will leave you refreshed, renewed andresonatingso much more from your heart. From there, you’ll be ableto attracttowards you everything your heart desires, without yourheadgetting in the way.Do NOT listen while driving or operating machinery.If you suffer with serious depression or epilepsy pleaseconsultyour doctor before listening to this app.Find Your Soul Mate Includes:- Find Your Soul Mate Audio (Running Time: 44:00)- Set Wake-up Alarm- How To Use This App- About Shazzie & Ali eBook- Share This AppDeveloped by Arkenea Technologies (www.arkenea.com) forDivinitiPublishing Ltd.
Complete Relaxation - Hypnosis 2.2
Complete Relaxation - Powerful HypnotherapybyGlenn HarroldOvercome stress and anxiety and achieve a deep stateofrelaxation with this superb, high quality hypnosis relaxationaudioapp. Glenn Harrold has sold millions of hypnosis CDs, Apps andMP3downloads and is one of the world's best sellinghypnotherapists.His highly acclaimed hypnosis techniques and stateof the artproduction have helped many make profound lifechanges.The audio tracks will guide you safely into a deep stateofrelaxation and give you layered post-hypnotic suggestions tohelpyou to cope with daily stress and pressure in a much morerelaxedway.You will hear Glenn's soothing voice along with hypnoticechoedbackground affirmations panning from left to right, withsubtlebackground sound effects recorded at certain frequencies andinspecific keys to enhance the deep relaxation effect. Afterbeingguided into a deeply relaxed and receptive state youwilleffortlessly absorb the many post-hypnotic suggestions whichwillhelp you cope with the pressures of modern day life with anewcomposure and sense of inner calm.This App Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Complete Relaxation - 30:04 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks by Glenn Harrold• How To Use This App• About The Author• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• Useful ResourcesThis state of the art recording features:• The very latest hypnotherapy techniques andstate-of-the-artdigital recording technology.• Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guidingyouinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.• 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musicalkeysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepenthe relaxation effect.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-timehypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He hasappeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapysessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles.
Raise Your ENERGY Hypnosis 1.1
Raise Your ENERGY by Glenn Harrold is asuperbhigh quality hypnotherapy recording by best-selling self-helpaudioauthor Glenn Harrold. This powerful hypnosis recording willhelpyou overcome stress and anxiety and feel very energisedandmotivated.The hypnosis audio tracks will take you on a special journeyintothe deepest levels of relaxation. The subtle backgroundsoundscapessupporting Glenn’s soothing voice will help you connectwith aprofound feeling of hypnotic relaxation. At the deepestpoint in thehypnosis session you will be given a number ofpost-hypnoticaffirmations and direct suggestions to help you feelenergised andmotivated. These special suggestions will stay withyou and you willrespond to them in your everyday life.There are also a number of background affirmations, whichechoand pan from left to right across the stereo range, idealwhenusing headphones. This deeply relaxing and powerful methodofdelivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to theunconsciousmind can facilitate positive changes very quickly.Glenn is one of the world's most successful hypnotherapists.HisCDs, Apps and MP3 downloads have sold over 4 million and he isapublished author with 7 self-help books to his name.Like all of Glenn’s recordings 'Raise Your Energy’combinespowerful hypnotherapy techniques with state-of-the-artrecordingtechnology.The special background sound effects have been recordedincertain keys and frequencies to help enhance the meditationeffectand guide you into a deep state of mental andphysicalrelaxation.The main sound on the hypnotherapy track was recorded at 528Hz,the solfeggio frequency, which is said to heal DNA, open yourheartand induce feelings of peace.This App Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Raise Your Energy & Motivation - 38:41 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks by Glenn Harrold• How To Use This App• About The Author• Deep Sleep - The 7 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self HypnosisThis state of the art recording features:• A Powerful 39-minute hypnotherapy session - ideal forbedtimelistening• The very latest hypnotherapy techniques andstate-of-the-artdigital recording technology.• Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guidingyouinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.• 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musicalkeysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepenthe relaxation effect.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-timehypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He hasappeared on TV anumber of times and his hypnotherapy sessions areoften featured innewspaper and magazine articles.
Magic Fairground Meditation 1.1
Lose yourself in this magical meditation bybest-selling self-help author Glenn Harrold.This visual fairground meditation recording has been adapted froman original hypnotherapy script by Terence Watts. The aim of therecording is to help you to feel so much more positive about lifeand your future.Glenn’s highly acclaimed hypnosis techniques and accompanying soundeffects will engage your senses and take you on a unique and veryvisual journey. Stroll through the fairground, ride down the helterskelter and enter the fortune teller’s tent. It’s all there totransport you to another time and place where you can get lost in amagical dance that fires your creative mind.This special meditation will help you feel happier and moreoptimistic and more positive about your future. It will help youfeel more creative and inspired and will give you a feeling ofbeing in control of your destiny.Includes:Meditation Audio TracksThe Magic Fairground (sleep ending) 39:41 mins12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks by Glenn HarroldThe Ultimate Guide to Self HypnosisAbout The AuthorHow To Use This AppUseful ResourcesPost hypnotic Affirmations include:I feel happy and secureI love and respect myselfI always convey positive thoughts and feelings to otherpeopleI feel empowered and in control of my lifeI am always in the right place at the right timeAbundance flows freely and naturally to meThe Magic Fairground features:• A unique and visual meditation through a magicalfairground.• A state of the art audio production.• Glenn Harrold’s calming voice guiding you into a relaxed andreceptive state.• Soothing background sounds recorded in specific musical keys andfrequencies to deepen the relaxation effect.• Hypnotic echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing, unique effect.
741 Hz Solfeggio Meditation 5.2
741 Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation by GlennHarrold & Ali CalderwoodExpress yourself freely and communicate effectively.This is one of a series of guided sonic meditation recordings byGlenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood, which are based upon the ancientsolfeggio musical scale. Each note in this scale has specifichealing properties, and this recording resonates to a frequency of741 Hz which is associated with the colour blue and the element ofether.Glenn Harrold's acclaimed vocal delivery and guided meditationcombined with Ali Calderwood's deep and moving soundscapes tuned to741 Hz combine to create an amazingly powerful meditationrecording. By combining these sounds with a guided meditation, youhave the potential to release deep-rooted blockages and negativepatterns of behaviour.This frequency will help you to express yourself freely,communicate effectively, clear creative blocks and can help you tofeel more determined and focussed. It can also help with weightcontrol issues, a sluggish metabolism, hearing, throat and thyroidproblems and even colds.This App contains an inspiring guided meditation track and a 741Hz frequency music track. The meditation track will guide you intoa deep sleep state at the end, which makes it ideal for usingbefore you go to sleep at night.The music includes an array of sacred instruments and soundssuch as crystal bowls, didgeridoo and sacred chants, which work tofurther enhance the effects of the solfeggio tones.When you are instructed to repeat affirmations on the meditationtracks, connect with positive feelings (e.g. happiness, joy, love),as this will help you absorb the suggestions on a deeper level. Youdon’t have to repeat the affirmations out loud but do make a strongconnection with them.This App includes:Meditation Audio Tracks741 Hz Solfeggio Sonic Meditation - 38:39 minsSOL 741 Hz Solfeggio Music Only - 10:13 minseBooksSolfeggio Chakra ChartAbout the Ancient Solfeggio Scale and Healing SoundsHow To Use This AppAbout The AuthorsColour: BlueElement: EtherAssociated Body Parts: Thyroid, Para-Thyroid, Throat,Oesophagus, Larynx, Neck and Shoulders, and Auditory SystemRelated Dysfunctions: Thyroid Problems, Hearing Problems, SoreThroat, Stiff Neck, Colds, Sluggish Metabolism, Weight Problems,Creative Blocks, Suppression, Weak WillpowerAbout The SoundsThe music with this series of meditations has been speciallycrafted and precisely tuned to transmit each of the solfeggiofrequencies. By combining these sounds with a guided meditation youhave the potential to release deep-rooted blockages. Thesecompositions also contain an array of sacred instruments and soundssuch as crystal bowls, didgeridoo and sacred chants, which work tofurther enhance the effects of the solfeggio tones.
Think Positively Hypnotherapy 1.7
Think Positively Hypnotherapy by leadingself-help author Glenn Harrold.This deeply relaxing hypnosis audio title utilises Glenn's highlyacclaimed, skilled hypnotherapy techniques to help you develop amore positive outlook. Track one will guide you into a deeplyrelaxed and receptive state where you can learn, under hypnosis,how to cultivate the habit of positive thinking and see thepositive in every situation.Track two will help you create a more positive future outlook byusing the full power of your imagination! The guided meditation onthis track is very original and we receive a lot of positivefeedback from it. Listen and enjoy.This recording will help you to let go of any self-doubt, anxietyissues or fears and to develop a positive mental attitude to helpyou cope with the ups and downs of everyday life.Glenn has sold millions of his hypnosis and meditation CDs anddownloads. When you listen to the hypnotherapy sessions you willhear Glenn's relaxing voice guiding you into a completely relaxedstate of mind & body. There are also hypnotic echoed backgroundaffirmations panning from left to right across the stereo range - adeeply relaxing and uniquely hypnotic effect. Special sound effectsrecorded in specific musical keys and frequencies to compliment thehypnotic suggestions and deepen the relaxation effect - andpowerful subliminal suggestions - all compounding the overalleffect.Do NOT listen while driving or operating machinery.If you suffer with serious depression or epilepsy please consultyour doctor before listening to this app.Hypnotherapy Audio Tracks• Always Think Positively (awake ending) 31:30 mins• Create a More Positive Future (sleep ending) 35:07 minseBooks by Glenn Harrold• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The AuthorThe Hypnosis recordings include:• The very latest Hypnotherapy techniques and state of the artdigital recording technology.• Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnosis vocal and production techniquesguiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind &body.• 60 b.p.m. background sound effects recorded in specific musicalkeys and frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepen the relaxation effect.• Stereo-echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.• Powerful subliminal suggestions embedded under the fade out musicto maximise the overall effectiveness of the recordings.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles. Here are some of themany endorsements Glenn's receives from celebrities, doctors andjournalists among others."Feels good to wear headphones and listen to Glenn Harrold'sComplete Relaxation."Lindsay Lohan (Actress & Recording Artist)"I have found Glenn to be extremely engaging with a likable andcalming nature. He has a way of making you feel at complete easeeven when you are talking about a difficult subject. Mostimportantly Glenn has delivered, and for me that is the icing onthe cake!"Jacqueline Gold - Chief Executive, Ann Summers"I did feel pretty rough for a few days (after my hypnotherapysession with Glenn) as my body was missing the sugar, but that soonpassed and I feel I’m finally free of my sugar cravings andchocolate addiction! I tried a piece of chocolate to see whathappened and it tasted horrible!"Andrea Mclean (GMTV Presenter & Loose Women)"I’ve had a listen to your Inner Wisdom CD and loved it – itcertainly did the trick, as usual, I was out for the count withinminutes and woke feeling incredibly uplifted. You really do havesuch a talent for this. Amazing! :-)"Alexandra Wenman, Assistant Editor, Prediction MagazineDeveloped by Arkenea Technologies (www.arkenea.com) for DivinitiPublishing Ltd
Assert Yourself Confidently 1.2
Learn how to assert yourself with greatconfidence and self-belief with this powerful hypnosis recording byGlenn Harrold. This recording will guide you into a deeply relaxedhypnotic trance state. In this receptive state you will absorb anumber of multiple layered post hypnotic suggestions for developingself-confidence and being assertive when you need to be.When you assert yourself in a respectful and confident way peoplewill always respond positively and Glenn’s skilled hypnotherapytechniques will help you to become assertive and confident in anumber of different social settings. This recording can also helpyou overcome shyness, self-doubt and help you to feel generallymore empowered.Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks:• Assert Yourself with Confidence (sleep ending) 33:31 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks• Build Your Self-Esteem – The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide to Self-Hypnosis• About The Author• How To Use This App• Useful ResourcesAssert Yourself with Confidence Features:• The very latest hypnotherapy techniques, helping you to overcomeinsecurity and become confident and assertive.• Glenn’s highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guiding youinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.• Background sound effects and music recorded in specific musicalkeys and frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepen the relaxation effect.• Echoed peak performance affirmations, which pan from ear-to-earacross the stereo range - a deeply relaxing and uniqueeffect.• State-of-the-art recording technology.Hypnotherapy is uniquely effective in programming the mind toovercome self-doubt and develop confidence in a safe and naturalway, free of any harmful side effects. The recording includes twohypnotherapy tracks, the first one you can use in the daytime as itwill guide you back to full waking consciousness at the end. Thesecond track is identical except that it guides you into a sleepstate at the end, which makes it ideal for using before you go tosleep at night.
Detox Your Life - Affirmations 4.5
Detox Your Life by Glenn Harrold:ASelf-Hypnosis Affirmation MeditationDetox Your Life is a superb high quality hypnosisaffirmationrecording by best selling self-help audio author GlennHarrold.This recording will help you alleviate stress and anxietyand feelinspired and motivated. There is also no wake up part onthisrecording so it is ideal for bedtime listening when you needtorelax and sleep well.The 61-minute hypnosis audio track will take you on aspecialjourney into the deepest levels of relaxation. Thesubtlebackground soundscapes supporting Glenn’s soothing voice willhelpyou connect with a profound feeling of relaxation. The focusisvery much on de-stressing you and connecting you to yourcreativityand potential.Glenn is one of the world's best-selling hypnotherapistswithmulti-million sales of his Apps, CDs, MP3s and 7 self-helpbooks tohis name. Like all of Glenn’s recordings it combinespowerfulhypnotherapy techniques with state-of-the-art recordingtechnology.The special background sound effects have been recordedin certainkeys and frequencies to help enhance the meditationeffect andguide you into a deep state of mental and physicalrelaxation. Thebackground sounds are a mixture of sea sounds andpink noise, whichinduce deep feelings of relaxation and calm.At the deepest point in the hypnosis session you are givenanumber of post-hypnotic affirmations and direct suggestions tohelpyou connect with a deep feeling of mental and physicalrelaxation,which will stay with you in your everyday life.There are also a number of background affirmations, whichechoand pan from left to right across the stereo range, idealwhenusing headphones. This deeply relaxing and powerful methodofdelivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to theunconsciousmind can facilitate positive changes very quickly.At the end of the recording you can drift away to therelaxingsound of the sea, which include embedded subliminalsuggestions.This empowering recording is a completely safe and veryeffectiveway of helping you to go into a deep state of relaxationandconnect with your creativity and inner strength.This App Includes:Hypnosis Audio Tracks• Detox Your Life - 61:39 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks by Glenn Harrold• How To Use This App• About The Author• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self HypnosisThis state-of-the-art recording features:* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques andstate-of-the-artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guidingyouinto a completely relaxed state of mind & body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musicalkeysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepenthe relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.* Relaxing Pink Noise and Sea sounds.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-timehypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He hasappeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapysessions are oftenfeatured in newspaper and magazine articles.
Mindfulness for Self-Healing 1.0
This mindfulness meditation app byGlennHarrold will help you heal your mind and body. Whilst thephysicalsensations of pain and discomfort are often unpleasant, itis theconstant struggle in the mind that can magnify health issues.Thisrecording will help you to gently explore the sensations inourbody with a mindful curiosity and in turn help you to reduceoreven remove any discomfort.It also includes a beautiful visualisation by a mountain,whichaims to help you feel more centred and in the present moment.Themeditation also has a shamanic flavour to it as it guides youtofocus your energy on clearing blocks and negativity in yourenergyfield, which can sometimes be the hidden cause ofphysicalillness.This app Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• Mindfulness Meditation for Self-Healing (Full Version)36:18mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Self-Healing (Short Version)10:06mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Self-Healing (Music Only)24:18minseBooks:• A Guide to Self Hypnosis• About The Authors• How To Use This App• Useful ResourcesGlenn’s acclaimed meditation techniques combine withdeeplyrelaxing music by Russ Davey to create a powerful sessionthat willhelp you make lasting and meaningful changes to your life.Russ’smusic blends dreamy piano and guitar sounds withcalmingatmospheric soundscapes, heavenly choirs, chimes andTibetanchanting.Mindfulness Meditations for Self-Healing App features:• A deeply relaxing 36-minute mindfulnessmeditationsession.• A relaxing 10-minute mindfulness meditation booster sessionforwhen time is limited.• Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal techniques guiding you intoacompletely relaxed state of mind & body.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing effect.• Soothing background music pieces by Russ Davey tuned to thethemeof Mindfulness, with each piece of music designed specificallyforeach therapy section of the recording.Mindfulness takes practice, so for best results, werecommendlistening to the full 36-minute session once a day. Thisapp alsoincludes a 10 minute edited version of the main track. Thisshortmeditation is ideal for recharging yourself in middle of theday,maybe on a lunch break or when time is limited. Listen fortenminutes and feel more creative, refreshed and ready to take ontherest of your day with a new enthusiasm.About Mindfulness MeditationMindfulness techniques have been used for thousands of years,andhave been proven to help ease many psychological stresseslikeanxiety, fear and pain.With today’s busy lifestyle, we often try to ignoreproblems,fears and concerns. We put things to the back of our mindsas acoping mechanism, but these thoughts and feelings can returnandcreate a cycle of anxiety that can feel difficult toescape.Mindfulness is about focusing attention on feelings andthoughts,noticing how they make us feel, and letting them gowithoutjudgement.By learning to observe our thoughts and feelings, we can begintosee them from a distance rather than getting caught up in them.Thisnaturally reduces anxiety and stress as you learn to acceptlife inthe present moment.Mindfulness lets you heal your mind in a number of ways:• It helps release the familiar cycle of anxiety, worryandfears.• It helps you become kinder to yourself, and reducesnegativeself-talk.• It helps you to notice automatic reactions and to ceasenegativehabits.• It allows you to become more creative in your approachtodifficult situations.You can also use mindfulness techniques to cultivatequalitiessuch as kindness, or overcome any number of problemsordifficulties in your life.
Higher Consciousness 1.0
This mindfulness meditation app hasbeendesigned to help you shift your consciousness to ahigherperspective. You will be guided through a beautifulvisualisationby a starlit beach and be taken on a journey to helpyou expandyour consciousness. This part of the meditation is verypowerfuland will help you experience deep levels of compassion,gratitudeand a higher awareness.When your consciousness expands it opens you up tomorecreativity, abundance, wisdom and knowledge and can have apositivelasting effect on the way you view the world.When you are truly present and in a state of being you willmovebeyond the ego centred state and shift your consciousness toahigher perspective. In this new state of consciousness youwillexperience life at a higher vibration and naturally becomealignedwith creativity and abundance. This universal source ofenergy isalways there, just waiting for you to tune in.Glenn’s acclaimed meditation techniques combine with deeplyrelaxingmusic by Russ Davey to create a powerful session that willhelp youmake lasting and meaningful changes to your life. Russ’smusicblends dreamy piano and guitar sounds with calmingatmosphericsoundscapes, heavenly choirs and chimes.This app Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• Mindfulness Meditation for Higher Consciousness (FullVersion)33:39 mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Higher Consciousness (ShortVersion)10:00 mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Higher Consciousness (Music Only)23:19minseBooks:• A Guide to Self Hypnosis• About The Authors• How To Use This App• Useful ResourcesGlenn’s acclaimed meditation techniques combine withdeeplyrelaxing music by Russ Davey to create a powerful sessionthat willhelp you make lasting and meaningful changes to your life.Russ’smusic blends dreamy piano and guitar sounds withcalmingatmospheric soundscapes, heavenly choirs, chimes andTibetanchanting.Mindfulness Meditations for Higher ConsciousnessAppfeatures:• A deeply relaxing 33-minute mindfulness meditation sessionforhigher consciousness.• A relaxing 10-minute mindfulness meditation booster sessionforwhen time is limited.• Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal techniques guiding you intoacompletely relaxed state of mind & body.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing effect.• Soothing background music pieces by Russ Davey tuned to thethemeof Mindfulness, with each piece of music designed specificallyforeach therapy section of the recording.Mindfulness takes practice, so for best results, werecommendlistening to the full 39-minute session once a day. Thisapp alsoincludes a 10 minute edited version of the main track. Thisshortmeditation is ideal for recharging yourself in middle of theday,maybe on a lunch break or when time is limited. Listen fortenminutes and feel more creative, refreshed and ready to take ontherest of your day with a new enthusiasm.By learning to observe our thoughts and feelings, we can begintosee them from a distance rather than getting caught up in them.Thisnaturally reduces anxiety and stress as you learn to acceptlife inthe present moment.Mindfulness lets you heal your mind in a number of ways:• It helps release the familiar cycle of anxiety, worryandfears.• It helps you become kinder to yourself, and reducesnegativeself-talk.• It helps you to notice automatic reactions and to ceasenegativehabits.• It allows you to become more creative in your approachtodifficult situations.You can also use mindfulness techniques to cultivate qualitiessuchas kindness, or overcome any number of problems or difficultiesinyour life.
Spiritual Weight Loss Hypnosis 2.3
Spiritual Weight Loss is a powerful hypnosisApp by best-selling self-help author Glenn Harrold. The hypnosistrack has been designed to help you remove any spiritual andemotional energetic blocks around the issue of weight loss. It wasinspired by Glenn's time spent at a Shamanic Healing retreat inPanama.The two things you need to do to lose weight are to eathealthily and to exercise regularly. However, if you have anyenergy blocks preventing your from doing either of those things,weight loss can be an on-going battle.Repetitive behavioural patterns that you find it hard to shakeare often caused by blocks in your energy fields. By healingyourself emotionally and clearing your energy body of imprints fromthe past you can release patterns that have been with you for along time. When you heal yourself spiritually it will naturallyfollow that you will heal yourself physically and emotionally.It is recommend that you use this App regularly, ideally inconjunction with Glenn’s Lose Weight App, which works more on thephysical aspects of weight loss.This App will take you in to a deep place where you can reallyempower yourself and take back control. When you make a change likethis energetically, eating healthily and exercising will becomecompletely normal and natural to you.At the end of the recording you will be guided in to a sleepstate, making it ideal for use before bedtime.Post Hypnotic Affirmations include:I continue to release blocks around weight lossI love eating healthilyI love to exercise and keep fitI love and respect myself unconditionallyI deserve to be happy and healthyIncludes:Hypnotherapy Sessions• Spiritual Weight Loss - 44:18 mins• 12 Minute Sleep BoostereBooks• Lose Weight in 7 Easy Steps• Lose Weight - The 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis• How To Use This App• About The Author
Believe In Yourself Hypnosis 1.4
Believe in Yourself and have completeconfidence in everything you do with this superb high qualityHypnosis audio app by Glenn Harrold.Glenn is one of the world's most successful hypnotherapists. Hismeditation and hypnosis CDs, MP3 downloads and Apps have soldmillions, he is the author of 7 self-help books and he has been ahypnotherapist for 20 years.Believe in Yourself features a powerful Hypnotherapy Track and twoeBooks: Build Your Self-Esteem - The 8 Golden Rules and A Guide ToSelf-Hypnosis. This App also features a high quality streamedversion of the hypnotherapy audio, which is a neat option!When you listen to this recording, you will hear Glenn's relaxingvoice guiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind &body. At the point when you have been guided into a very receptiverelaxed state, you will be given a number of post hypnoticsuggestions and carefully layered affirmations to help you believein yourself and feel more confidence.Glenn utilises skilled hypnotherapy techniques to help you toovercome old insecurities and feel more confident and empowered inmany situations. After listening to both tracks you willautomatically feel more assertive and self-assured and begin todevelop a confidence and self-esteem that will grow stronger overtime.There are also hypnotic echoed background affirmations panning fromleft to right across the stereo range - a deeply relaxing anduniquely hypnotic effect. Sound effects recorded in specificmusical keys and frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestionsand deepen the relaxation effect.Build Your Self Esteem App Includes:- Believe In Yourself Hypnotherapy Audio – 33.30- 12 Minute Sleep Booster- Build Your Self-Esteem - 8 Golden Rules eBook- The Ultimate Guide To Self-Hypnosis eBookThe hypnotherapy sessions include:* The very latest Hypnotherapy techniques and state of the artdigital recording technology.* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnosis vocal and production techniquesguiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind &body.* 60 BPM background sound effects recorded in specific musical keysand frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepenthe relaxation effect.* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles.
The Healing White Light 1.3
Experience a state of deep inner peace andcalm when you listen to this superb high quality guided meditationaudio app by Glenn Harrold. Glenn is one of the world'sbest-selling hypnotherapists with multi-million sales of his Apps,CDs, MP3s and 7 self-help books.Glenn's highly acclaimed techniques and state of the art productionwill help you achieve a deep state of relaxation and work onself-healing issues.This app features a special ‘healing white light’ visualisationwhich is great for self-healing and raising your energy andvibration. It also features a 12 minute sleep booster audio trackplus two useful eBooks. On each track you will hear dreamybackground affirmations, which echo and pan from left to rightacross the stereo range along, a deeply relaxing effect.At the point when you have been guided into a very receptiverelaxed state, you will be given a number of post hypnoticsuggestions and carefully layered affirmations to help you feelmore relaxed and in control in your daily life.Glenn's utilises his skilled hypnotherapy techniques to help you toovercome old insecurities and feel more confident and empowered inmany ways. This powerful app is a completely safe and veryeffective way of raising your energy and connecting with yourcreative inner self. After listening to both tracks you are aresure to feel more uplifted.This App Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• The Healing White Light - 28:49 mins • 12 Minute SleepBoostereBooks:• De-Stress - 8 Golden Rules• The Ultimate Guide To Self-Hypnosis• About The Author• How To Use This AppEach audio track includes:• A unique meditation, the latest hypnosis techniques and state ofthe art digital recording technology.• Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal delivery and production techniquesguiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind &body.• 60 b.p.m. background sound effects recorded in specific musicalkeys and frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions anddeepen the relaxation effect.• Stereo-echoed affirmations which pan from ear to ear across thestereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapistand works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV anumber of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions oftenappear in newspaper and magazine articles. His 'Build Your SelfEsteem' hypnosis audio CD and MP3 download has sold over 80,000 andbeen featured in many magazines. Here are some of the manyendorsements Glenn's receives from celebrities, doctors andjournalists amongst others."I have found Glenn to be extremely engaging with a likable andcalming nature. He has a way of making you feel at complete easeeven when you are talking about a difficult subject. Mostimportantly Glenn has delivered, and for me that is the icing onthe cake!"Jacqueline Gold - Chief Executive, Ann Summers"Hello Glenn, I have ordered and used 4 of your CD’s and they areamong the very best that I have ever found in the past 20 years. Iam a meditation teacher in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and I use yourCD’s in my classes to help people to relax."John Brennan - Transitional Meditation, Toronto, Ontario,Canada"I did feel pretty rough for a few days (after my hypnotherapysession with Glenn) as my body was missing the sugar, but that soonpassed and I feel I’m finally free of my sugar cravings andchocolate addiction! I tried a piece of chocolate to see whathappened and it tasted horrible!"Andrea Mclean (GMTV Presenter & Loose Women)
Mindfulness for Gratitude 1.0
This mindfulness meditation app byGlennHarrold which has been designed to help you develop a verypositivemind-set and a love of life. The carefully scripted layersofhypnotherapy and progressive depth of this recording will helpyoudevelop a deep feeling of gratitude and abundance.The recording can even induce feelings of joyfulness andeuphoriaand help you to feel more energized and alive. Developinga profoundsense of gratitude will open up your creativity andallow you to seeso much abundance around you.This app features a beautiful meadow visualisation, which aimstohelp you feel more centred and in the present moment as youconnectwith nature. Being mindful makes it easier to notice andappreciatethe pleasures in life as they unfold, and helps tochange the wayyou react to stressful situations.This app Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude (Full Version)37:08mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude (Short Version)10:00mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Gratitude (Music Only) 23:05 minseBooks:• A Guide to Self Hypnosis• About The Authors• How To Use This App• Useful ResourcesGlenn’s acclaimed meditation techniques combine withdeeplyrelaxing music by Russ Davey to create a powerful sessionthat willhelp you make lasting and meaningful changes to your life.Russ’smusic blends dreamy piano and guitar sounds withcalmingatmospheric soundscapes, heavenly choirs, chimes andTibetanchanting.Mindfulness Meditations for Gratitude App features:• A deeply relaxing 37-minute mindfulness meditation session.• A relaxing 10-minute mindfulness meditation booster sessionforwhen time is limited.• Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal techniques guiding you intoacompletely relaxed state of mind & body.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing effect.• Soothing background music pieces by Russ Davey tuned to thethemeof Mindfulness, with each piece of music designed specificallyforeach therapy section of the recording.Mindfulness takes practice, so for best results, werecommendlistening to the full 37-minute session once a day. Thisapp alsoincludes a 10 minute edited version of the main track. Thisshortmeditation is ideal for recharging yourself in middle of theday,maybe on a lunch break or when time is limited. Listen fortenminutes and feel more creative, refreshed and ready to take ontherest of your day with a new enthusiasm.About Mindfulness MeditationMindfulness techniques have been used for thousands of years,andhave been proven to help ease many psychological stresseslikeanxiety, fear and pain.With today’s busy lifestyle, we often try to ignoreproblems,fears and concerns. We put things to the back of our mindsas acoping mechanism, but these thoughts and feelings can returnandcreate a cycle of anxiety that can feel difficult toescape.Mindfulness is about focusing attention on feelings andthoughts,noticing how they make us feel, and letting them gowithoutjudgement.By learning to observe our thoughts and feelings, we can begintosee them from a distance rather than getting caught up in them.Thisnaturally reduces anxiety and stress as you learn to acceptlife inthe present moment.Mindfulness lets you heal your mind in a number of ways:• It helps release the familiar cycle of anxiety, worryandfears.• It helps you become kinder to yourself, and reducesnegativeself-talk.• It helps you to notice automatic reactions and to ceasenegativehabits.• It allows you to become more creative in your approachtodifficult situations.You can also use mindfulness techniques to cultivatequalitiessuch as kindness, or overcome any number of problemsordifficulties in your life.
Mindfulness for Relaxation 1.0
This mindfulness meditation app byGlennHarrold will help you to relax and find inner peace. Peoplewhopractice mindfulness are less likely to get caught up inworriesabout the future or regrets over the past. Being moremindful makesit easier to notice and enjoy the pleasures in life asthey unfold.It also improves the way you react to stressful ordifficultsituations, allowing you to feel calmer and more balancedineveryday life.In the app Glenn will encourage you to stay with his voice asheguides you into a deeply relaxed state. You will be asked tofocusyour attention on each area of your body, noticing anyfeelings orsensations as they come into being. You will also learnhow to useyour breathing to anchor yourself in the present moment,wheneveryou need it.This app Includes:Meditation Audio Tracks:• Mindfulness Meditation for Relaxation (Full Version)33:09mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Relaxation (Short Version)10:00mins• Mindfulness Meditation for Relaxation (Music Only) 18:15 minseBooks:• A Guide to Self Hypnosis• About The Authors• How To Use This App• Useful ResourcesAs you learn to switch from “doing” mode to “being” mode youcanbegin to observe any sensations or thoughts, without judgement,andaccept them with loving kindness. With this acceptance youcanstart to experience your life in a completely new way, with asenseof gratitude and happiness.Glenn’s acclaimed meditation techniques combine withdeeplyrelaxing music by Russ Davey to create a powerful sessionthat willhelp you make lasting and meaningful changes to your life.Russ’smusic blends dreamy piano and guitar sounds withcalmingatmospheric soundscapes, heavenly choirs, chimes andTibetanchanting.Mindfulness Meditations for Relaxation App features:• A deeply relaxing 33-minute mindfulness meditation session.• A relaxing 10-minute mindfulness meditation booster sessionforwhen time is limited.• Glenn's highly acclaimed vocal techniques guiding you intoacompletely relaxed state of mind & body.• Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear acrossthestereo range - a deeply relaxing effect.• Soothing background music pieces by Russ Davey tuned to thethemeof Mindfulness, with each piece of music designed specificallyforeach therapy section of the recording.Mindfulness takes practice, so for best results, werecommendlistening to the full 33-minute session once a day. Thisapp alsoincludes a 10 minute edited version of the main track. Thisshortmeditation is ideal for recharging yourself in middle of theday,maybe on a lunch break or when time is limited. Listen fortenminutes and feel more creative, refreshed and ready to take ontherest of your day with a new enthusiasm.About Mindfulness MeditationMindfulness techniques have been used for thousands of years,andhave been proven to help ease many psychological stresseslikeanxiety, fear and pain.With today’s busy lifestyle, we often try to ignore problems,fearsand concerns. We put things to the back of our minds as acopingmechanism, but these thoughts and feelings can return andcreate acycle of anxiety that can feel difficult to escape.Mindfulness isabout focusing attention on feelings and thoughts,noticing howthey make us feel, and letting them go withoutjudgement.Mindfulness lets you heal your mind in a number of ways:• It helps release the familiar cycle of anxiety, worryandfears.• It helps you become kinder to yourself, and reducesnegativeself-talk.• It helps you to notice automatic reactions and to ceasenegativehabits.• It allows you to become more creative in your approachtodifficult situations.You can also use mindfulness techniques to cultivatequalitiessuch as kindness, or overcome any number of problemsordifficulties in your life.
Sleep Easily Guided Meditation for Relaxation 1.3
Diviniti Publishing Ltd
Sleep Easily Guided Meditation was written and read by ShazzieLove.As an acclaimed author of five books, the creator of severallifetransformation programmes and an international speaker andworkshopfacilitator, her quest is always the same: to help you onyourjourney back to the centre of your own heart. Relax intohersoothing words and let go fully into a deeply relaxingsleep.During this twenty six minute recording, you’ll be gentlyguidedevery step of the way to relax your whole body and mind. Youcanalso set a wake-up alarm through the built-in alarm clockbeforelaunching the session. Throughout this beautiful recording,you’llbe held by the music and sounds created by Ali Calderwood.Ali isan accomplished musician and healer who also produces theexquisitemusic of Anima. Ali’s uniquely crafted music soundscapeswithinthis guided meditation contains specifically designedcombinationsof healing frequencies which will have a deep,therapeutic effecton you. You will experience state of the artproduction techniquessuch as whispering echoed background vocalswhich pan from left toright across the stereo range. This uniqueeffect will help yourelax deeper into the meditative sleep . Youwill also hear some 60BPM digital sound effects as well as powerfulsubliminalsuggestions that compound the therapeutic effect. Thismeditationwill leave you refreshed, renewed and resonating so muchmore fromyour heart and a place of stillness. From there, you’ll beable toattract towards you everything your heart desires, withoutyourhead getting in the way. Do NOT listen while driving oroperatingmachinery. If you suffer with serious depression orepilepsy pleaseconsult your doctor before listening to this App.This AppIncludes: - Sleep Easily Guided Meditation (Running Time:26:46) -Set wake-up time (built-in Alarm Clock) - How To Use ThisApp -About Shazzie & Ali eBook - Diviniti Publishing Home -ShareThis App Developed by Arkenea Technologies (www.arkenea.com)forDiviniti Publishing Ltd.